Gallery of Mushrooms in Christian Art

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Michael Hoffman, December 13, 2020


/ end of contents

Another Large Shipment of High Medieval Mushrooms Incoming: Golden Munich Psalter,0.491,0.448,0.235,0

Scope of the Images on This Page

  • Psilocybe cubensis mushrooms
  • Liberty Cap mushrooms
  • Amanita muscaria mushrooms
  • mushrooms in Christian art
  • Christianity mushrooms
  • Christ Amanita muscaria
  • Christ Psilocybe cubensis mushrooms
  • Christ Liberty Cap mushrooms
  • Christ mushrooms
  • Jesus mushrooms
  • angel mushrooms

I wish this page to have “all known” images, but that’s impossible by orders of magnitude.

That would be a massive ongoing project, including photographing countless books and articles; cropping; uploading; & tagging.

I’m going to run out of space on this server soon. I uploaded all 25 images from Samorini’s article today, and I sure don’t have time to compress the image files, as well as correctly tag them.

John Rush

Y Y Y – The Mystic ‘Y’

From the John Rush archive.

The Mystic Y
Plate 1:5 –Vienna, Austria – Moses Before the Burning Bush, Domenico Fetti, Oil on Canvas, 1613 CE We see God as  the burning bush and he holds one of the symbols for the “bush” in his left hand. In the bottom frame, the hand of God comes through the cloud (cap), while the red material around his wrist is the annulus, and the white hand and wrist are the stalk of the mushroom. Notice the plants to the right of Moses, the mushroom shapes in his alb and stole, including the celestial erection.” – John Rush

Mystic Y’s, identified by Michael Hoffman.

hybrid Italian Pine/ Parasol of Victory on the right. The one “cap” on the right clearly represents a Parasol of Victory, while the other cap clearly represents an Italian Pine. It doesn’t matter anyway, since per Wasson, Samorini, and Panofsky, artists are idiots who don’t know what they’re drawing; they just stupidly follow templates that got messed up in the course of their inept recopying, so that they ended up by accident looking like mushrooms, in all cases. This is why 100% of mushrooms in Christian art are to be dismissed. I have so many quotes explaining that artists who draw mushroom trees are uncomprehending dolts, I’m going to start a WordPress page.

Article: “Mushroom-Trees” in Christian Art (Samorini)

Article title:
“Mushroom-Trees” in Christian Art
Gli “alberi-fungo” nell’arte cristiana
Author: Giorgio Samorini
Journal issue: Eleusis, n.s., 1:87-108, 1998

My commentary/reading version of the article:
“Mushroom Trees” in Christian Art (Samorini)

Samorini Figure 1

copied from elsewhere on the present page

Christian Mushroom Trees
Gallery page in support of my 2006 Plaincourault article.

Samorini Figure 2

Samorini Figure 3

Esoteric Y branching.
1. Caduceus = branching vs. non-branching experiential mental worldmodels
2. Caduceus = male ruler snake & female ruler snake, frozen in rock

Y = caduceus = non-branching lower, basic “branching” Y shape, “branching possibility or non-branching monopossibility” concept, 2 heimarmene snakes, the local female ruler snake and the male veiled thought-source revealed as frozen in rock all future kingly control-thoughts preexisting, {king frozen into a rock statue, king tied by serpents to a rock bench for eternity, king frozen into the rock world}.
Y = the branching vs. non-branching models/ experiential states.
Y = caduceus w/ male ruler snake & female ruler snake. rock-frozen pair of ruler snakes.
the local female control-thought receiver/receptacle
the normally hidden male control-thought inserter/injector, along a snake rail frozen in rock, projected from every point in time.

Samorini Figure 4

Christian Mushroom Trees
Italian Umbrella Pines

Samorini Figure 5

todo: find color version

Samorini Figure 6

Samorini Figure 7
Cropped & added by Michael Hoffman, the theorist of ego death

Samorini Figure 8

Samorini Figure 9

Samorini Figure 10

Le Saint Graal Retrouve le Fruit Defendu et la Chair des Dieux

Section copied from lower in the present page, for clearer image than in Samorini article.

The Holy Grail Finds the Fruit Defendu and the Flesh of the Gods

Samorini Figure 11
Michael Wood
proof that mushroom caps have branches under them, as accurately literally depicted in Canterbury Psalter.  Panaeolus semiovatus
California Fungi—Panaeolus semiovatus
Fred Stevens
proof that mushroom caps have branches underneath the canopy cap
todo: add this and above, to Proof article or Criteria article

Flip through the hi-res photos at page for branches under caps like Canterbury Psalter.

Samorini Figure 12

Plate 8 from Brinckmann’s book that was censored from Panofsky’s letter multiple times by Pope Wasson
Brinckmann’s book, Plate 8
ivy-vine leaves in proximity with mushroom caps
My WordPress page:
Brinckmann, Mushroom Trees, & Asymmetrical Branching
Book at

Samorini Figure 13

Samorini Figure 14

copied from elsewhere in this page; find “donkey”

Samorini Figure 15

Samorini Figure 16

Samorini Figure 17

Folio 027v (Bodleian Library, Medieval Bestiary)
copied from elsewhere in this “Gallery of Mushrooms in Christian Art” WordPress page

Samorini Figure 18

Samorini Figure 19

This image is probably reversed.

The following two images are dup’d from elsewhere in the present page:

Adam and Eve, Bernward’s Door of Salvation, St. Michael’s Church
Panel 4, Adam and Eve, Bernward’s Door of Salvation. St. Michael’s Church, Hildesheim, Germany, 1015 (photo of Julie M. Brown)
Citation: Journal of Psychedelic Studies 3, 2; 10.1556/2054.2019.019
they got pic from flickr

Samorini Figure 20

This layout is EXCELLENT work by Samorini, bravo; literally side-by-side coverage of two distinct families — the opposite of the single-plant fallacy.
The only thing better, would be 3-column: Cubensis; Liberty Cap; Amanita.
We have to put AMANITA LAST, to correct the severe imbalance of coverage in the first phase of entheogen scholarship from say 1952-2009 (from Panofsky’s letter against the mycologists in 1952; to Irvin’s 3 books in 2009).
The 3rd on left (Salamander) fits shape of Liberty Cap lower right — b/c hybrid combination of Amanita/ Cubensis/ Liberty Cap.
2009-1952= 57 years of Amanita Madness imbalance among entheogen scholars.
— Michael Hoffman

Samorini Figure 21

Samorini Figure 22

Samorini Figure 23

Samorini Figure 24

Samorini Figure 25

Canterbury Psalter

Canterbury Psalter Mushroom Inventory

Photo of mushroom specimen, with branches on underside of cap, formed by the universal veil.
Photo: Michael Wood. California Fungi—Panaeolus semiovatus
Folio 134 Detail
Folio 11 – 12 Images

Selected images are broken out below.
Folio 11 Detail: Row 1 Left

Folio 11 Detail: Row 1 Right

I read the above as: Panaeolina, Liberty Cap, Cubensis, Amanita — Michael Hoffman, the theorist of ego death, [8:40 p.m. December 13, 2020]
Folio 11 Detail: Row 2 Left
Folio 11 Detail: Row 3 Middle
Folio 11 Detail: Row 3 Right
Folio 11, Row 4 Middle
Folio 12 Top – Two Mushroom Trees
Folio 12 Row 3 of 4 – Mushroom Ram Caught in Mushroom Thicket
Folio 13 – Burning Bush
Folio 15 – Devil, Combined Cubensis-Liberty Caps + Vine-Leaf Tree

Pyschedelic Christianity : A Scholarly Debate on the Holy Mushroom Theory
[sic 1st word]
YouTube channel: Psychedelic Historian, 1:07:15 —
Hatsis incorrectly claims it’s from Paris Psalter.

In the video, Hatsis incorrectly claims that this image is from a different psalter, the “Edwin-Paris Psalter”.

The Paris Psalter links below don’t show the image, but the Canterbury Psalter site shows the image:
hi-res Zoom of Folio 1 of Paris Psalter

I proved that the above mushroom shapes represent Psilocybe deliberately used for religious experiencing:

  1. The “Hanging-over-God’s-sword” mushroom-tree image by the same team is either meaningless, or represents trained, expert, peak-state use of Psilocybe as I proved.
  2. The same team painted all these mushroom images in this work, the Canterbury Psalter.
  3. Therefore all 65-70 mushroom plants illustrated by this team in this Canterbury Psalter, including the three mushroom trees in the above image, represent the use of Psilocybe to induce religious experiencing.

The vine-leaf trees which are coupled with these mushroom trees, by this team of illustrators, also indicate the routine, trained, efficient use of Psilocybe, to reveal non-branching of possibilities, destroying egoic possibilism-thinking.

The Canterbury Psalter “mushroom tree/ hanging/ sword” image with the trained, self-threatening Psalter reader, depicts not puzzlement over “the shadow” like today’s braggart hubristic Psilocybin therapists (Muraresku), but the opposite: the image provably depicts a Psilocybe expert-level direct engagement with the {serpentine dragon monster}, and reconciling with eternalism; learning how to deal with the pre-existence of control-thoughts, which kills, disproves, and effectively disempowers egoic control agency.

Folio 15 – Leper
Folio 16 – Italian Pine (with Bird Nests)
Folio 20 – Hanging from Italian Pine by Arm, Water Source
Folio 20 Italian Pine – Hi-Res Zoom of Umbrella Pines in Tree Canopy of One of the Italian Pines a.k.a. “Umbrella Pines” (Just to Clarify) a.k.a. “Parasols of Victory” for Those Really Astute Scholars
Folio 22 – Several Italian Pines, & Some Parasols of Victory as Well

Folio 22: Detail of Italian Pine #2 of 10. Or Parasol of Victory #2 of 10. Let the experts battle this dispute out. But DEFINITELY NOT mushrooms, Cubensis, Liberty Caps.
Folio 22 Middle – 5 Italian Pines, 0 Parasols of Victory. Or the reverse. Anyways, Def Not Cubensis, Liberty Caps, & Amanita.
Folio 22 Right – 0 Italian Pines, 5 Parasols of Victory. Or the reverse. Anyways, Def Not Cubensis, Liberty Caps, & Amanita.
Exercise for the Reader: Identify this Object:
Some experts say it’s an Italian Pine.
Other experts have definitively identified it as a Parasol of Victory.
Which of these top experts is correct?
Folio 25 – Absalom
Folio 29
Folio 32
Folio 34
Folio 38
Folio 40
Folio 49

Christian Mushroom Trees
Section: Canterbury Psaltery Showing Cluster of Mushroom Fruiting-Bodies

From the Canterbury Psaltery, early 12th C.  It appears in the book:
Celestial Treasury: From the Music of the Spheres to the Conquest of Space
Marc Lachieze-Rey & Jean-Pierre Luminet (2001), p. 178.

twofold, basic Y branching, from upper left

Folio 49 Left – Parasols of Victory
Folio 49 Right – Detail of Italian Pine (a Scroll Is Above It)

tree shrub cluster, from upper right

Psilocybe cubensis cluster, Liberty Cap mushrooms in cap, Christian art
Folio 49 Middle – Gavel
Folio 49 – Billowing Holy Spirit Garment Lifting

Lifted Garment & Mushroom Folds in Christian & Greek Art, Indicating the Ecstatic Holy Spirit Altered State

Dec 13 2020 9:17 a.m. — check John Rush book re: garment lifting.

I propose that this theme of Christian art with garment lifted to the right, and looking back and up to the right, is equivalent to Greek art with billowing cloth.

Experiment to run; hypothesis: in Greek & Christian art, the billowing cloth indicating the the Holy Spirit altered state is usually to the left; to the figure’s right side.

Two angels with garment lifted to their right, with vaguely mushroom-shaped fold. A recurring theme in this artist’s work in the Canterbury Psalter — a given explanandum.
Folio 51 – Left Branching, Right Non-Branching Italian Pines – or Is It Parasols of Victory?? Only the Experts Know for Sure, But Definitely Not Mushrooms
Folio 51 Hi-Res Detail Zoom
Folio 53 detail – Branching Left, Debranched Right
Folio 55 Detail
Folio 78 Detail – Umbrella Pines in Tree Canopy
Folio 98 – Italian Pine – Detail
Folio 145 Detail
Folio 177 – Right-hand Debranched
Folio 193 Detail

Plaincourault Amanita Tree Fresco

(in Fact an Italian Pine – if You Are the Top, Expert Art Historian and Are Daft, or Are a Banker for the Pope)

Christian Mushroom Trees
Gallery page in support of my 2006 Plaincourault article.

Bory’s Plaincourault Lookalike Painting

Bory’s mid-20th Century painting that’s a copy (imitation, re-creation) of the original fresco.

Images I Uploaded to the Web in 2002

Images I Discovered, Re-Photographed, and Uploaded to the Web in 2002

The below images are from my webpage:
Christian Mushroom Trees
Gallery page in support of my 2006 Plaincourault article.

Eusebian Letter with Portrait of Eusebius

The below images are from my webpage:
Christian Mushroom Trees
Gallery page in support of my 2006 Plaincourault article.

Treasures in Heaven: Armenian Illuminated Manuscripts
Thomas Mathews, Roger Wieck, June 1994
“For over a thousand years the pre-eminent expression of Armenian culture was the illuminated manuscript―above all, the illustrated Gospel Book. Brilliantly painted and often bound in silver and decorated with jewels, these volumes constitute the principal source of information on the history, religion, language, and art of Armenia. … Contributors to this volume include….”

Page 44 shows a mushroom tree in the lower left.

Information from the book: “Fig. 23 – Eusebian Letter with Portrait of Eusebius, by the First Painter, 1300-07. Los Angeles, University of California, University Research Library, Special Collections, Armenian MS 1, p. 4 (cat. 36).”

Scan of a photocopy of the black and white rendering in the book:

Below, page 45 shows a mushroom tree in the lower right:

Information from the book: “Fig. 24 – Eusebian Letter with Portrait of Carpianos, by the First Painter, 1300-07. Los Angeles, University of California, University Research Library, Special Collections, Armenian MS 1, p. 5 (cat. 36).”

Scan of a photocopy of the black and white rendering in the book:

Matenadaran Erevan – Baptism

Christian Art: Erevan, Matenadaran: ‘Baptism’, mid-11th century.  – Several Mushroom Trees

The below images are from my webpage:
Christian Mushroom Trees
Gallery page in support of my 2006 Plaincourault article.

Treasures in Heaven: Armenian Illuminated Manuscripts
Thomas Mathews, Roger Wieck
June 1994

Page 47 has two illustrations — one has 3 mushroom trees:

Information from the book: “Fig. 27 Baptism, mid-11th century. Erevan, Matenadaran 7736, fol. 14v.”

On Page 47, an image shows 2 mushroom trees:

Information from the book: “Fig. 28 Baptism, mid-11th century. Erevan, Matenadaran 7736, fol. 17.”

Page 93 has the illustration just in black and white, of the illustration used for the cover of Bible Review, October 2001, the giant Amanita-cap Last Supper table shown at my page:
“Last Supper around an Amanita-cap table”. The mushroom is hardly perceivable in this merely black-and-white rendering — color is essential in cases such as these.

I also have a color photocopy of an Eden cycle showing the tree as generally the same type as a mushroom tree: once the ‘mushroom tree’ idea was standardized, it was sometimes expressed very subtly: not recognizable by a cap shape, but rather, by the grouping of all the leaves in some shape at the top, and with two cut-off arms — branch-stubs, leaving a bare or near-bare trunk that, as a result, indicates a mushroom stem. One color picture in this book shows birds nesting in such a loosely portrayed single-top mushroom-tree that doesn’t have cap-shaped top, but more of just a circle-top.

Water-from-Rock Ossuary (Cubensis) – Peter’s Water Miracle, from a Sarcophagus

The below images are from my webpage:
Christian Mushroom Trees
Gallery page in support of my 2006 Plaincourault article.

Ossuary showing the vertical “stream of water” (stem) flowing from the “rock” (cap), with guys grabbing and chewing at the stem. A strange way to portray a rock with water flowing from it.

This scan is from the book, p. 87 —

The Clash of Gods: A Reinterpretation of Early Christian Art
Thomas F. Mathews (same as other book)

Montecassino Illustration Showing Psilocybe and Mandrake

The below images are from my webpage:
Christian Mushroom Trees
Gallery page in support of my 2006 Plaincourault article.

Mushroom-shaped and mandrake-shaped Eden trees, with mushroom-shaped grape clusters on the ground in between.  Found at – “Adam and Eve with serpent-entwined Psilocybe mushroom (caduceus). Italy [Abbey of Montecassino]; circa 1072 – British Library”.  Mandrake is chemically similar to Henbane and Belladonna.  Mandrake drawings traditionally show a human body instead of the tree trunk shown here.

Saint Eustace Window at Chartres with Many Cubensis Mushroom Trees

Full Saint Eustace Window

275  “Legend of St. Eustace (first part, window at Chartres), p. 276 second part, 277 third part

Conversion of Placidas, Saint Eustace Window, Chartres Cathedral
Conversion of Placidas, Saint Eustace Window. Chartres Cathedral, France, early 12th century (photo by Julie M. Brown)
Citation: Journal of Psychedelic Studies 3, 2; 10.1556/2054.2019.019
“the Conversion of Placidas to Saint Eustace. Flanked by sacred mushrooms, he kneels and prays before the crucifix, which appears between the antlers of a stag standing regally before him.”

The below b/w images are from my webpage:
Christian Mushroom Trees
Gallery page in support of my 2006 Plaincourault article.

Emile Mâle (Dora Nussey, tr.), The Gothic Image: Religious Art in France of the Thirteenth Century (Icon Editions Series).  1913 title of the initial English translation of the 3rd French edition: Religious Art in France of the Thirteenth Century: A Study in Medieval Iconography and Its Sources of Inspiration (Amazon shows the full text but not the images).

Page 3 shows a Chartres stained-glass window with several mushroom trees — including a plain and starkly clear literal representation of a psilocybin-shaped mushroom, shown below.  This is a small portion of a very large window with many clear mushroom depictions.  The book shows a sharp, black and white close-up of this portion of the window, which is representative of the other parts of the window.

The book presents black-and-white renderings of stained-glass windows.

Information from the book: “Fig. 1.– The Sky, Water, and Trees. From the Legend of St. Eustace. Window at Chartres.”

iirc, i scanned these b/w images and uploaded them (to, around 2005.

Gideon and the Fleece – Window at Laon Showing Multiple Mushrooms

The below images are from my webpage:
Christian Mushroom Trees
Gallery page in support of my 2006 Plaincourault article.

Page 16 of the same book shows a stained-glass window with a couple fairly good mushroom trees, below.

Information from the book: “Fig. 8.– Gideon and the Fleece (window at Laon) (From Florival and Midoux, by permission of M. de Florival).

This is a scan of the black-and-white rendering in the book:

My Entheogen Picture Finds, Around 2002

Print images that I discovered/recognized; scanned or photographed; and uploaded to the Web around 2002.

Virgin Mary Wearing an Amanita-cap Cap

The below images are from my webpage:
Entheogen Picture Finds
Gallery page in support of my 2006 Plaincourault article.

Announced December 25, 2003

From Economist magazine, Dec 20 2003-Jan 2 2004, p. 29. This icon painting shows the mother of God (Queen of Heaven) holding the Christ child. Her headdress is an Amanita cap cap.

This is the cover of the issue:

On page 29 this icon appears:

From digital camera:

From scanner:

A close-up of Mary’s cap reveals it to be a literal Amanita cap:

From digital camera:

From scanner:

For comparison, below is a portion of a photo of a dried orange-gold (rather than red) species of Amanita, similar shape though from a different angle. In the icon, a fresh Amanita is represented, so the dots (veil remnants) are raised more.

Last Supper Around an Amanita-cap Table

The below images are from my webpage:
Entheogen Picture Finds
Gallery page in support of my 2006 Plaincourault article.

Announced November 10, 2001

From digital camera:

From scanner:

For comparison, here is a similar icon with a mushroom-cap shaped table, but one without any clear entheogenic allusions, though it does look like the common orange-brown color of Amanita cap with off-white spots:

Bible Review current issue, October 2001. Focus: Last Supper.

When looking at the magazine cover at the newsstand, though Clark Heinrich has taught me to actively look for Amanita in iconography (, I thought that this Eucharist scene on the cover was noteworthy because each disciple had a loaf/ plain tan cap at his place setting. Fortunately I bought the issue, and was embarrassed to plainly and immediately see that the tan loaves are off-white veil-remnant spots on the wrapped-around red edge of the table.

The table surface is golden honeycomb, a simile for honey-smelling, golden Amanita — to the taste and smell, this honeycomb is a literal representation; to the eyes, you must mentally replace the honeycomb lines by straight lines to form the usual Amanita-underside sun-halo.

I was able to recognize this pattern because I’ve been looking for not only Amanita-underside rays in Christian halos, but also for a rim, often red, with dots, representing the underturned top of the cap.

Other mushroom shape elements: the blue awning forms a thick stipe. Since the iconographically stylized table top has “poor” perspective, it is a semicircle which, combined with the blue awning, forms a perfect mushroom shape. The “poorly” drawn red container in the middle of the table forms the Holy Grail shape of the mature upturned Amanita (Heinrich, _Strange Fruit_ page 85 plate 35; Heinrich plate 5 page 54, Issue 1, Entheos journal).

In the Passover Seder meal, the significance of the food served during the Seder must be explained during the meal.

[see correction of this paragraph below] After Dan Merkur’s book _Mystery of Manna_, this would mean explaining the story of Moses poisoning the leavening in Egypt with a toxic strain of ergot (the “yeast of malice”), and forbidding the Jews to use the leavening, to walk away with booty and redemption from slavery while the Egyptians were incapacitated with ergot poisoning.

Correction: The ergot Exodus hypothesis was described in detail and published by Clark Heinrich. Dan Merkur’s book _The Mystery of Manna: The Psychedelic Sacrament of the Bible_, 2000, is packed with excellent ideas about entheogens (specifically, ergot) and the Bible, but I don’t see the ergot Exodus hypothesis there.

_Strange Fruit_, Clark Heinrich, 1994/1995, pp. 78-79 — “Could Moses have poisoned the Egyptians’ bread supply with ergot?” This book has some coverage of ergot as well as Amanita, and considers how to integrate the two possibilities.

After Clark Heinrich’s book _Strange Fruit: Alchemy, Religion and Magical Foods: The Hidden Truth_, this would mean explaining that Christ is consubstantial with Amanita, which causes a dramatic ego-death and rebirth experience when ingested after fasting. This rebirth experience amounts to transcendence of, and emancipation from, enslavement in the spacetime cosmos.

Jonathan Klawans, the author of the article “Was Jesus’ Last Supper a Seder” (Bible Review, October 2001, page 24), puzzles that the requirement to explain the meaning of the Seder was not introduced until 70 CE — “But the requirement may not have even been in place in the time of Jesus. … Gamaliel … lived … after the temple was destroyed in 70 C.E. … then Jesus’ symbolic explanation of the bread and wine cannot be connected with [the Seder meal explanation requirements].”

This objection is easily solved by assuming that the details of the life story of the Jesus figure were not invented until 70 C.E., or later, and back-projected to around 35 C.E., per Earl Doherty’s book _The Jesus Puzzle_ and Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy’s book _The Jesus Mysteries_. The details of the Jesus story were worked out over hundreds of years and mythically, we have every reason to read the Last Supper’s Eucharist explanation as a Seder type of explanation, simply because the story of the exodus and the story of the passion are largely isomorphic mythic and mystic allegories for psychoactives leading to ego-death and the emancipation of the spirit.

Mark Lion Halo with White Dots on Red Edge

The below images are from my webpage:
Entheogen Picture Finds
Gallery page in support of my 2006 Plaincourault article.

Announced April 22, 2002

Authority and the Sacred: Aspects of the Christianisation of the Roman World
Peter Brown, 1995

Zoom showing just the cover art:

Check out the very distinct white dots against red background on this Amanita halo edge in this iconographic painting on the cover of this book. I think the Lion is Mark’s symbol. This is the first time I’ve seen a lion with an Amanita halo.

Blessed Sacrament Monstrance

The below images are from my webpage:
Entheogen Picture Finds
Gallery page in support of my 2006 Plaincourault article.

Announced December 17, 2002

Image from the cover of:

Book: Visits to the Blessed Sacrament

Alphonsus Liguori


To isolate the Amanita cap, it would be good to use a circular crop tool on this picture. I don’t know the origin of the red color in this image.

In Alan Watts’ book Myth and Ritual in Christianity, page 198, he portrays such figures — “Monstrance for benediction and exposition of the sacrament” — as representing the spine and world-tree, with the heart of the sun, or the sun door, at the top. I’m continuing to build the case, or interpretive framework, that entheogens were much more prominent and widely used in Christendom.

Painted Roof in St. Michael’s Church, Hildesheim (Amanita Cap)

also called Michaeliskirche, Hildesheim, Lower Saxony, Germany

Embroidered Jesus Christ Crucifix (Amanita Cap)

Embroidered Jesus Christ Crucifix (Amanita Cap)
someone on the Web added the white dots

Stained Glass Window: Jesus as Red Tree Canopy

Halo – Golden Mushroom Gills×210.jpg

Transfiguration of Jesus, Christ Column, Saint Michael’s Church

Transfiguration of Jesus, Christ Column, 1020, Saint Michael’s Church, Hildesheim, Germany. Photo by Julie M. Brown×682.jpg
The Secret Psychedelic Mushroom Initiations of Early Christianity: Interview with Jerry Brown

Bronze Statue of St. George Slaying the Dragon, Amanita at Base

St. George psychedelic mushroom
Bronze statue of St. George slaying the dragon, with mushrooms resembling Amanita muscaria at the base. Prague Castle, 1373. Photo by Julie M. Brown.

Jesus with Amanitas in Garment Folds

Christ with Liberty Caps on Rocks

Jesus and Psychadelics
also at:

Christ Holding Lazarus with Amanita-Egg Cross-Hatching and Red Halo
vid: Mushrooms In Christianity – seems to have L/R reversed – remembering eternalism, changes instead to forgetting eternalism, and falling back into possibilism-thinking

Stained Glass Window – Red-Cap Amanita-Cubensis Mushroom Tree Debranched on Right
vid: Mushrooms In Christianity

Door – Tax Collector in Mushroom Tree Listening to Jesus, Debranched Right Hand
vid: Mushrooms In Christianity

Wood Door – Elija’s Ascent


Adam and Eve, Bernward’s Door of Salvation, St. Michael’s Church

Panel 4, Adam and Eve, Bernward’s Door of Salvation. St. Michael’s Church, Hildesheim, Germany, 1015 (photo of Julie M. Brown)
Citation: Journal of Psychedelic Studies 3, 2; 10.1556/2054.2019.019
they got pic from flickr

Jesus Cubensis Stained-Glass Window
vid: Mushrooms In Christianity

Crucifixion Between Two Mushroom Trees Debranched

Donkey Apotheosis – Brown’s Psychedelic Gospels Book

Detail from Jesus’s Entry into Jerusalem, Church of St. Martin de Vicq, France, early 12th century (Photo by Julie M. Brown)
Samorini’s article caption
zoom + Detail from Jesus’s Entry into Jerusalem, Church of St. Martin de Vicq, France, early 12th century (Photo by Julie M. Brown)
zoom + zoom + Detail from Jesus’s Entry into Jerusalem, Church of St. Martin de Vicq, France, early 12th century (Photo by Julie M. Brown)

Notre Dame de Laon France XIII, Stained Glass, Red-cap Mushroom Plants
Article: The Psychedelic Origin of Christianity

Eve Eden Tree with Six Red-and-White Caps

All Saints’ Church – Stained-Glass Windows

Mushroom at Beast Entrance of Bascillica St. Vincent in Spain

Mushrooms in Robe Hems at Last Supper – Brown

Amanita Muscaria and Psilocybin in Early Christian Art: Interview with Jerry Brown

The River of Life, Douce Apocalypse, John Led to Christ through Field of Mushrooms
Plate 3:33a – The River of Life, Douce Apocalypse, 1265-1270 CE Note the mushroom-trees and the River of Life flowing from  Christ, a possible borrowing from the Egyptian tradition. Christ holds his determinative, the Sacrificial Lamb, in the hokeypokey stance, while John is being led to Christ (probably by Michael) through the field of mushrooms.”

Le Saint Graal Retrouve le Fruit Defendu et la Chair des Dieux

The Holy Grail Finds the Fruit Defendu and the Flesh of the Gods

Saint Graal Retrouve

Lot’s Wife Turned to Pillar of Salt (Cubensis Plant)

IMG_6520_CanterburyCath1180.PNG. Lot’s wife turned to pillar of salt.
iirc, I found this in a book, photographed it, and uploaded this image, around 2003. While in a university art library looking for such images.

Window of Charlemagne with Amanita

Mushrooms Encoded in Christian Art
Carl de Borhegyi

Mosaic of Red Mushrooms, Basilica of Aquileia

Mosaic of red mushrooms, found in the Christian Basilica of Aquileia in northern Italy, dating to before 330 AD.
404 –
Mosaic of red mushrooms, found in the Christian Basilica of Aquileia in northern Italy. The section of the mosaic floor which displays these mushrooms is found in the oratory of the northern hall, which is the oldest part of the basilica, dating to before 330 AD.

Gold and Red Vestments Chalice

Jesus, Santa, Mithra and the Magic Mushroom

Chartres – Fortuna×281.jpg
The Mushroom in Mommy Fortuna’s Midnight Carnival
Thomas Hatsis

Alchemy King Amanita Cap – Effluents of Deity

Ruck & Hoffman
The Effluents of Deity: Alchemy and Psychoactive Sacraments in Medieval and Renaissance Art

Moral Bestiaries

Moral Bestiaries are for teaching Christian morality, and are produced by illuminated manuscript shops.


Folio 027v (Bodleian Library, Medieval Bestiary)


Pyschedelic[sicChristianity : A Scholarly Debate on the Holy Mushroom Theory
YouTube channel: Psychedelic Historian
January 5, 2018. Hatsis vs. Brown
He says the mushroom trees aren’t mushrooms, it’s just a style.

He doesn’t say why the artists prefer using that particular style, of mushroom-styled trees.

Why does their style incline in the direction of mushroom trees, instead of some other stylized direction?

Why does the mushroom shape dominate in the art of Christendom?


probably ivy leaf coming from cut-off branch. Ivy is non-branching.

Branching analysis: all the branching comes from one point in the tree.

Hallucinogens and Christianity: Evidence in Sacred Art (Camilla & Gosso)

Hallucinogens and Christianity: Evidence in Sacred Art
Allucinogeni e Cristianesimo. Evidenze nell’arte sacra
Gilberto Camilla & Fulvio Gosso, 2007
128 pages, illustrated
EAN: 9788886345569

Hallucinogens and Christianity: Evidence in Sacred Art, Vol. 2 (Camilla & Gosso)

Hallucinogens and Christianity: Evidence in Sacred Art, Vol. 2
Allucinogeni e Cristianesimo. Evidenze nell’arte sacra, Vol. 2
Gilberto Camilla & Fulvio Gosso, 2016
112 pages, illustrated
EAN: 9788897206286

Cyberdisciple wrote: From the description of book 2, it seems that book 1 focuses on Amanita, while book 2 focuses on liberty caps:

“Se nel primo volume l’Amanita muscaria ha avuto una attenzione particolare, in questo gli autori individuano anche la presenza, in alcune rappresentazioni proposte, della Psilocybe semilanceata.”

If in the first volume, Amanita muscaria had special attention, in this volume the authors identify also the presence, in some proposed representationsof Psilocybe semilanceata.

psilo-cybe semi-lanceata
smooth-head semi-spear
Liberty Caps

“In this second volume of “Hallucinogens and Christianity” Gilberto Camilla and Fulvio Gosso, they continue their research on the fungal presence in Christian sacred art and propose some of their further “discoveries”.

“If in the first volume the Amanita muscaria has received particular attention, in this the authors also identify the presence, in some proposed representations, of the semi-spear Psilocybe.

“In both works the evidence of the presence of hallucinogenic mushrooms in Christian iconography becomes numerous and it seems obvious that they are only a small part of those existing or existed.

“It can therefore be assumed that such a phenomenon, geographically and historically vast and widespread, cannot only be limited to religious representations.

“Apart from the American “school”, some German authors and a few Italian friends who have expressed interest in the topics covered in these volumes, in the academic field silence reigns supreme.”

Samuel Anointing David as a King

1150s.Psalter BL Cott.Nero C.IV. folio 7 Codex made in the Abbey of St.Swithin in Winchester
1150s.Psalter.Manuscript (Cott. Nero C. IV) British Library, London.This codex, made in the Abbey of St.Swithin in Winchester, contains psalms in Latin and French. The miniature on folio 7 depicts a scene with the shepherd David (above), and Samuel anointing David as a king (below). MINIATURIST, English (active 1150s in Winchester)
Saved by Vika Bershadskaya

Entheos Issue 1 Gallery

Entheos Issues 1-4, Mark Hoffman

Article in Issue 1 (Summer 2001):
Conjuring Eden: Art and the Entheogenic Vision of Paradise
Hoffman, Ruck & Staples 
Online gallery of ancillary illustrations
38 pages, 33 illustrations, 47 ancillary online illustrations cued to text.

  • todo: Add to the present page, more images from the above online gallery’s other 4 pages:
  • 1-10, 11-2021-3031-4041-47 – some are linked below. Too many to link.

[13] Eve Given to Adam, Bernward Doors, Dom, Hildesheim.
[13] (Detail)
[16] Commissioning of the Twelve and the Healing of the Leper, transcript, Bernward Column, Dom, Hildesheim.
[16] (Detail)
[18] Zachaeus, the Tax-Collector, transcript, Bernward Column, Dom, Hildesheim.
[19] Cursing of the Fig Tree, transcript, Bernward Column, Dom, Hildesheim..
[24]  Jacob’s vision, Munich psalter, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek.
[25]  Infant Moses afloat in a basket, Munich Psalter.
[26] Jacob wrestling with the angel, Munich Psalter.
 Exultet roll, Monte Cassino monastery, dated 1075.
[10:32 p.m. December 28, 2020] – I identify the right as a mandrake-tree — Michael Hoffman – compare other Montecass image I’ve covered eg grape baskets.
copied from elsewhere on the present page

Italy [Abbey of Montecassino]; circa 1072 – British Library

 St. Matthew enthroned, Canterbury Codex Aureus, c. 750 (Stockholm).
 Compare St. John enthroned, Canterbury Codex Aureus.
 Codex Aureus and mushroom details, below
 Gospel Book of Otto III: The Sermon on the Mount, Reichenau, 1010. Folio 34, Verso, CLM. 4453, Staatsbibliothek, Munich.


/ end of todo


Cyberdisciple provided the link to the Samorini article.

Cyberdisciple provided leads for the Camilla & Gosso books.

Author: egodeaththeory

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